Thursday, February 21, 2013


We awoke bright and early at 5:45 am.  Trevor and I got dressed, and then woke Shad up, put his brace on and headed to the hospital.

When we got there we had to go to admissions and check into the PICU for the day.  It took about 25 minutes and we were upstairs by about 7:20.  They had a room and a bed all ready for us.  Shad climbed up and was all ready to get the show on the road.  Typical of any trip to the hospital it was kind of a hurry up and wait type situation.  We had one of the nurses that we had when we were in the PICU, he was happy to see Shad up and walking around, and impressed that their relationship had progressed from Shad being scared of him taking his temperature, to Shad not even crying when he accessed his port.  
At about 5 to 8 the flood of people came (4 or 5) and began prepping him for sedation.  Shad fights it so much, he doesn't like to just give up and go to sleep.  The gave him the first dose and he was still awake and carrying on conversations with everyone.  They gave him more until he finally gave up.  They intubated him, since they had to put him into such a deep sleep, just to protect his airway.  Trevor and I gave him a kiss and went to get some breakfast.  He headed off to MRI a little before 9:00.  We waited in the room until he got back at about 12:00.  He started to wake up, which was pretty entertaining.  He said some really random things as well as a lot of rambling.  Once he was able to eat and drink a little we were allowed to leave.  He really wanted to walk, but was still a little bit too drowsy, so he was a little tipsy.  Although it was entertaining, we didn't want him to hurt himself, so Trevor carried him most of the way.

We are anxious to hear what the results are next week.  Hopefully the doctor is able to make it in (he is scheduled for jury duty).  

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