Tuesday, January 1, 2013

MRI and PET scan Results

     Last Wednesday Shad went into the hospital for a follow up MRI and a PET scan.  A PET scan uses a tracer that is injected into the body to check for cancer (or see where the cancer is at).  (for more information about PET scans click here).  We arrived at the hospital about 9:30 and eventually got home at about 5:00, so the process took quite awhile.
     We got to the hospital at 9:30 and checked in at the pre-operation window so they could get some information before the sedation process.  We waited a few minutes, and then the nurse took us back to get Shad's height, weight and ask a whole bunch of questions.  Once we finished there he took us downstairs to the imaging center where we waited about 45 minutes for the MRI tech, the anesthesiologist, and the PET scan lady to all figure out what it was they needed to do.  At about 10:30 they took us back to the room and we signed a bunch of papers.  Shad was in a great mood, and was chatting it up with all of the people.  They all commented multiple times about how they wished all their patients were so cooperative.  The anesthesiologist told us his plan (just basic sedation, no intubation or anything), and then we got Shad up on the table.  He was still super happy and laughing and talking to everyone.  Once the anesthesiologist pulled out the mask to administer the medicine, Shad lost it.  He started trying to rip of the mask, and screaming.  Trevor and I were on either side of him holding his hands down, and trying to talk to him so he would calm down until he fell asleep.  The MRI tech came over, and took his hands from us so that we wouldn't have to be the ones holding him down.  I thought that was a really kind gesture, sometimes it is hard to be the "mean one", but we do what has to be done.  I appreciated that he took over for us, so we could just be with him as he fell asleep.  Once he was asleep they kicked us out to the waiting room, and got him all set up.  He had to have an iv put into his hand.  They administered the tracer right away once that was done, and then did some MRI imaging while they waited the requisite one hour for the tracer to do its job.
     At about 11:00 Trevor went down to the galley to get us some lunch.  He brought it back up and we ate.  Then we waited, and waited, and waited.  They had the news on in the waiting room, and I found some of the stories a bit random.  They had some guy on talking about the fact that the world hadn't ended.  There was a lot about gun control, some really ridiculous things.  They quoted a website that sold weapons to only law enforcement and military, and talked about civilians getting those types of guns when in all actuality, they can not purchase guns from there.  There were some others that I can't remember right now.  I studied up on the new youth curriculum and watched some of the movies that went along with that.
     Finally, the anesthesiologist brought Shad out.  He was already awake and talking randomly.  They took him  upstairs to the PACU (post anesthesia care unit), where they have to monitor his vitals, and make sure he is awake before they send him home.  We were up there about half an hour.  He had 3 containers of juice and a popsicle.  He hadn't eaten or drunk anything since bedtime the night before, so he was pretty hungry and thirsty.   We were supposed to go to the oncology clinic after his imaging to check his counts, so the PACU nurse just did the blood draw before she removed the iv.  We went downstairs to the clinic to follow up with the doctor and check what his counts were, but it was closed. We weren't sure what we were supposed to do, so we went over the the peds area and asked one of the nurses there.  She was able to get ahold of the doctor and she came over and talked to us for a minute.  They said that they would call with his counts in the morning, so we headed home.
     Fast forward to yesterday.  We went in to check Shad's counts and possibly start chemo if everything checked out okay.  We were also hoping to get the results of all of his imaging.  His neutrophil count was not high enough to start chemo yesterday, so we will go back tomorrow for another check and to hopefully start chemo.  He was at an 853 and has to be at 1000 to start.  The good news from the check up was the results of the imaging.  One lung is totally clear from any cancer, and the other lung is very faint which means it is almost gone.  When he started there were multiple spots in both lungs.  There are no marks on his liver anymore either.  His pelvic mass is "significantly smaller", and there is nothing in his back.  Dr. Pene had not seen the images, he had just read the report, so he was just telling us what the report said.  Hopefully we will see the images when we are there later this week.  We are so thankful that there are already such significant results after only two rounds of chemo.
waiting for blood counts yesterday

1 comment:

  1. MRI technicians in New York get paid around $59,495 to $77,902 while Florida workers receive $45,000 to $58,000 per year. http://techniciansalary.net/mri-tech-salary/.Click here
