Monday, July 22, 2013

Results round 1

Thursday morning I woke up anxious to hear the results from the ct scan.  I was kind of hoping that they would be able to see something from this scan, then we could know exactly what we were dealing with and get started on getting rid of it.  I hoped Dr. Pene would call early, but knew that hospital time is never really "early".  He had to wait to get the results from the people who analyze the pictures, so it wasn't really up to him.

I got up and got Shad and myself ready for preschool, I had volunteered to stay and help for about an hour that day.  We went to school, and Shad got right to work painting.  I got to help all the kids wash up when they were done, and then clean all the paintbrushes and paint containers.  Ms. Caroline and I then worked on creating some binoculars so that the kids could go on a whale hunt later that morning.  Shad was so impressed with my skills, and told me thank you for making these binoculars about 100 times after I picked him up later on that day.  It was pretty cute.  After the binocular making I helped clean up all the toys, and then left.  I came home and loaded the dishwasher.  After that I read through some of the stuff for my lesson on Sunday.  I left a little bit early to get Shad from school, because I had to be somewhere at 1:00.

After picking Shad up I dropped him off at home with Janaya, and then went to my visiting teaching lunch at Olive Garden.  The ladies all wanted to know if I had heard from the doctor yet, which I hadn't, and then asked some questions about Shad that I mostly didn't really have answers to.  It was nice to visit and have something to do beside sit around and hope the doctor might call.  As I was leaving Dr. Pene called and let me know that they didn't see anything in the ct scan.  The next words were, but the AFP is real (they had run it again to make sure it wasn't a fluke).  This means that the cancer is definitely in his body somewhere.   He let me know that we would need to schedule the PET scan for the upcoming week.  He also reminded me that he would be leaving on Friday and would be gone until the 5 of August.  He said that right now there are three possibilities that he sees.  One is that they will see something in this next scan, and will be able to do surgery to get rid of it.  He has already let the surgeon know that could be coming, and they would do it before Dr. Pene returned.  Two is that they will not see anything to remove, and will just continue to monitor to him pretty frequently.  Three is that they will just start treating him blindly, which means that they won't necessarily see anything, but will begin chemotherapy to get rid of what they know is there somewhere.  If that ends up being the choice they won't start that until he gets back.

Pretty much we are still just in a waiting game.  We are hoping that something shows up in the PET scan so that we will know exactly what we are dealing with.  Here is a funny picture of Shad to end this post.

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