Tuesday, September 24, 2013

And so it begins...

Sorry I didn't post after our meeting with Dr. Pene on Friday the 13th.  I started to write multiple times, but just couldn't find the words to get in down on paper.  It was decided that we would start with the low dose chemotherapy for 4 rounds, and see how his cancer responds.  He will have 2 rounds, scans, and then 2 more rounds.  He let us know that we would start the next Monday the 15.  Although we knew chemo was going to happen, I think it was still hard for it to be so sudden.  We were happy to have the weekend to get ready.  Trevor was supposed to have a school all week, so I asked my mom to come so that I wouldn't have to spend all day at the hospital by myself.  She agreed and planned to drive out Monday morning.

Monday started out with the final load of laundry, mom packing, and Shad playing.  We were lucky enough to have a playdate that morning.  It was wonderful.  I loved spending some time with some other moms in the ward, and Shad loved running around and playing with the other kids.  We are not sure how much he will be able to be with friends during the upcoming months, so I was glad he had the chance that day.  After the playdate we came home, Shad went to rest time, and I finished gathering things and packing for the hospital.  About 3:00 my mom arrived, I opened the door, and she walked in.  I gave her a hug, and then out of the corner of my eye I saw somebody approaching the door.  It kind of freaked me out at first, but on second look it was Jayce.  I was happy to see him, it has been forever since he has been here, and we have missed him.
Monday evening we reported to the hospital.  We were told to be there by 7:00, and we walked through the doors at 6:59.  I found it interesting how familiar and right it felt.  2 east has truly become our home away from home.  We were pointed to our room, given paperwork to fill out, and told to settle in.  Shad of course wanted to go out and play with the toys, so that is what we did first.  Eventually they accessed his port, and got him hooked up to fluids.  He had to have so much pre-hydration before they could start the chemo, he also had to have some steroids to help prevent an allergic reaction to the first chemo.  About 9:30 we got him in bed and began to settle in ourselves.

Tuesday morning they started his chemo at 11:00.  The first drug he had was Taxol, which he hasn't had before and  so they had to monitor him pretty closely to see how he would react.  That drug ran for 24 hours.  While the chemo runs he has to stay in his bed, no going out to play, or going on walks. That was rough for him, but we were glad grandma and Jayce were there to help keep him entertained. We were also grateful for a friend that sent a care package with grandma filled with fun things for Shad to do.  His favorite was a Jake and the Neverland Pirate duplo set.  When the chemo first started he was angry, I am not sure why, but the way I see it is it was sinking in for him that this was all going to be happening again.  He cried and yelled, and glared for a good little bit.  Finally grandma offered to go to McDonald's and get him an ice cream cone, he said that would help, but only one person was allowed to go.  Jayce tried to sneak out and go with her, but Shad noticed and was yelling out the door, only one, only one, so Jayce came back.  Luckily he decided to take a nap in the afternoon, and woke up in a much better mood.  The day ended with him and Jayce playing Wii and snuggling in the bed.

Wednesday he finally got to be done with the Taxol, and then immediately started the next drugs.  First was Ifosfamide which ran for an hour, followed immediately by Cisplatin.  He has not had the Ifosfamide before, and the Cisplatin is one of the drugs he had previously.  He tolerated them both very well the first day, and as soon as they were done he was ready to go out and play.  As we were getting ready one of the therapy dogs came by, and so we got to pet her for awhile.  Shad loves the therapy dogs.  This one is named Tally.

Honestly the days in the hospital tend to run together.  The rest of our days were filled with chemo, playing toys, going for walks, games of Candyland, movies with our friend Janae, throwing up, eating, not eating, and millions of trips to the bathroom.  The following pictures depict a little bit of what the rest of our week looked like.
I love this picture, you can totally see how much these 2 love each other! 

Trevor and I went for a walk to a rose garden while Shad watched
 a movie with his friend Janae and her mom Linda
this little girls sister was sick, she and Shad loved playing together
on the days that they were both there, at one point she was like can I have
a hug, and as they were hugging he yelled, "I love having a friend" it was
pretty adorable.

And so as not to seem ungrateful I have to post some of the many blessings that we received this week. 
  • my visiting teachers bringing meals to the hospital twice this week
  • car problems that began Friday the 13, which ultimately ended up needing a new transmission, totaling thousands of dollars, ended up being completely free
  • texts and phone calls from friends
  • friends for Shad at the hospital
  • gifts from friends
  • my mom and Jayce being here
  • Trevor getting extra time off of work
  • nurses who love my baby and treat him like he is their own
  • prayer
  • priesthood blessings

1 comment:

  1. Shad is such a strong and courageous boy. And you are such a strong and courageous mommy. May the Lord bless you through this next phase of trials. Many prayers are going up for your family.
