Sunday, April 13, 2014

Surgery and more...

Thursday was Shad's surgery for his apheresis catheter. He was scheduled for 1:20 and we were told he couldn't have any food after midnight, but he could drink clear liquids until 10:15. He had more than his fill of apple juice that morning.  We were asked to be at the hospital by 11:50 for check-in/registration.
We got here about 11:50 and checked in. We were then sent to the registration area to fill out and sign a bunch of paperwork.  We were then told to wait for the nurse to call us back to the pre-op area. We didn't wait long before he came and got us. We were taken back where they did his height and weight, gave him clothes to change into, and took his vitals. We were taken to a curtained area to wait our turn to speak with a nurse, the surgeon and the anesthesiologist prior to the surgery. Not too long after we got there someone came and told us the doctor had an emergency surgery so we were going to be pushed back about an hour.  We used the extra time to head over and register for our room at the Ronald McDonald house.  Shad thought it was a pretty cool place...too bad he will never get to stay there.  
When we got back we waited for about 15 minutes and then we were called back to pre-op again. They told us to go ahead and change Shad's clothes so he would be ready. He looked pretty cute.

Shortly after he changed the surgeon came to check in with us.  He was slightly friendlier than he was last time and actually spoke to Shad this time around which was nice.  The anesthesiologist came and checked in next.  Then the nurse that would be with him for the operation part came and talked to us for a while.  Once it was time to take him back she told us to give him a kiss, and she would take him from there.  He was a bit nervous, and while hugging me held on extra tights for some extra time, but once he let go he was ready to go.  She took him back through the double doors, and he stopped for a minute, but then continued on.  Trevor and I went to get something to eat, and were gone about half an hour.  As we walked back into the building the pager we had buzzed, and a nurse was waiting for us at the desk.  She said that the surgery was done, and we could follow her.  She took us to a little room and told us the surgeon would be in to talk to us shortly.  Apparently they come in and talk to the parents after the surgery to let them know how it went, and answer any questions.  We waited about 45 minutes, and the surgeon never came.  Finally Trevor went out and asked if we were still supposed to be waiting or what.  The lady at the desk said she would check and a minute or two later the nurse came back and said the surgeon was finishing some things in the computer, and would be right in.  We waited about 25 minutes longer before a PACU nurse came in and told us that the surgeon had forgotten to talk to us and was in his next surgery already, but that Shad was awake (and had been for awhile), and so she guessed ONE of us could go and be with him while the other waited for the surgeon.  I walked into the PACU and Shad immediately asked where daddy was.  I said only one person was allowed at a time, and this is the face that he made.  He wasn't too happy that only one of us could be back there at a time.  They said it was policy because there was only enough room for one, but there was plenty of room.
Trevor texted me shortly after that and said the surgeon had come in to see him, and it was a bit pointless (especially after all that waiting).  We spent the next almost 5 hours switching off back and forth while waiting for a room on the hem/onc floor.  Finally, about 9:00 Trevor came and got me and told me to just come back with him and Shad because all the other people back there had two people with them.  

About half an hour later we were finally taken to our room where we were able to get situated and go to bed.  It was a long somewhat frustrating day, but it ended with smiles, and I guess that is all that really matters.

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