Today had a bit of a rough start. We had an appointment to get Shad's counts checked, and were hoping to do a few other things while we were there. I had an appointment scheduled at 8:30, but it was just down the street so we were hopeful it would all work out. There was some confusion, a lot of waiting, and very little time actually getting blood drawn, but we made it out of the hospital by 8:25. We booked it to my appointment, and arrived about 5 minutes late. I was immediately taken back. My blood pressure was a little high and the doctor asked if it had been a stressful morning, and Trevor and I just laughed. She said she understood, and would wait a few minutes and take it again. She had a hard time finding baby's heartbeat with the doppler so she brought their tiny ultrasound machine with a very fuzzy picture in to check it that way. I wasn't too worried because I had felt the baby moving not long before, but it was nice to get to see him or her again. The doctor is really patient with Shad and let him help her push buttons and identify parts of the baby. He was excited when they said we were going to see a picture because he wanted to find out of it was a girl or boy. The doctor said their machine wasn't good enough to tell that, so he was a little sad, but got over it pretty quickly once he saw the baby on screen. She even gave him his own picture of the baby which he thought was pretty cool.
We went back to the hospital to get the results of Shad's counts and also to give him his shot and get some help with a cap change question we had. We ended up not needing to do the cap change until Monday, got the shot taken care of, and his counts were low but good enough that he didn't need any transfusions.
As we were on the way out we were told that the Easter Bunny was going to come visit outside in the "garden" area. We went out and waited in line. Somehow, we must have looked nice or something, we were asked to talk to some of the news people that were there. Shad wasn't very verbal, but cooperated. Below are 2 videos that were shown on the local news. Shad thought it was pretty cool when he saw himself on TV.
San Diego, California News Station - KFMB Channel 8 -
San Diego, California News Station - KFMB Channel 8 -
Such a sweet moment for him to smile!! But it seems he smiles a lot. :) Glad baby is healthy and all is well.