Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Breaking Out of Here (Hopefully)

    The doctors have all decided that Shad is ready to go home.  Shad and I are the only ones who aren't too sure about it.  I am ready to be at home, and be able to sleep with no nurses and doctor's coming in, in my own bed.  I am hoping Shad will be willing to do more once he is in the comfort of his own home.  He still has a lot of things going on though, and I am feeling a bit inadequate.  I will be shown how to do things, like checking his line each day, emptying his catheter, changing his dressing, getting his brace on and off etc, but it still just seems like a lot.  The nurses have taken such good care of him, and a part of me is terrified of doing something wrong.
     Shad says that he is never going home.  Apparently he has adapted to this lifestyle of lounging about watching tv all day, pushing a button and having someone come running, 3 large meals delivered right to your bed (usually things he gets to pick out).  He does not like his brace, and has been told that he will have to wear it more and more, especially after we get home.  He is not excited about that.  We are hoping for the best though, and hoping that once we get home he will change his tune a little bit.
     The proposed day is Friday.  Trevor's family will be here for Thanksgiving, so that will be nice to have people around.  It will also be good because Trevor will be off for 4 days, and it will give us time to both help Shad readjust to home life.  Hopefully everything continues to go well, and works out for that to happen.

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