Friday, November 23, 2012

Home Sweet Home

     After 2 weeks and a day we were finally able to come home from the hospital today.  Shad cried off and on from the time we found out about 10:30, until we actually were in the car driving away at about 1:30.  He didn't want to come home, and told us multiple times he would just stay at the hospital.  He of course had charmed all of the nurses, and they were more than willing to let him stay.  Ultimately though, we told him he had to come with us, and he did.  He was happy to be going home as soon as we got in the car.
     We spent the afternoon playing games, watching football, and of course playing with the new ipad.  I think that toy is going to be put away and only used for hospital visits.  Or at least extremely limited on the amount of time it is used.  After a while the girls decided to go shopping.  We went to Joann and then to Target and Sonic.  Paula and I hit up the flannel and Kevra got some holiday decorations.  I also go some new blades for my rotary cutter.  Guess I better get busy making some receiving blankets!
     When the girls got home, Trevor and I put Shad to bed which was a bit of a traumatic experience for all of us, but we survived, and he feel asleep quickly.  He had a busy day!
     On the cancer front, we will be going for a checkup next Thursday, and then most likely starting the next round of chemo the following week.  Shad handled the first one like a champ, and so far there haven't been many side effects.  He is still just his happy self (most of the time).  The port that he has has 2 pieces that hang on the outside of his skin.  One of them clotted on Wednesday, and so now only one of them is functioning.  The surgeon wanted to keep us at the hospital until Monday, and then go in and replace it, but the oncologist didn't want to do that because that is about the time that his counts will be dropping and he didn't want to risk an infection.  Next time Shad goes in for chemo he is going to take out the port he has now, and put in a different kind that is all under the skin.  When they want to use it they will numb the skin, and then stick a needle into the port.  Hopefully Shad will be okay with that one, it will be a lot easier for us to care for at home.

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