Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happily Ever After

     I was in charge of the lesson in young womens today.  I have been reading through the lessons all week, and trying to figure out what to say.  I had a hard time putting any coherent thoughts together at all.  I just had too many things on my mind, and was not able to really focus on the task at hand.  Yesterday I spent several hours staring at the computer screen, reading the lessons, and the suggested resources over and over again.  Still nothing.  Finally Trevor convinced me walk away and come back to it later.  I decided that was probably the best idea, and went and relaxed with him for awhile before bed.  I was still thinking about the topics, and how to best present the information.  This morning I got up early, and got to work.  My mind was finally clear, and I was able to put all of my thoughts together (somewhat).
     One of the suggested resources for the lesson was a talk by Dieter F. Uchtdorf entitled You're Happily Ever After.  This was something that truly spoke to me right now.  I couldn't believe how close to home it really hit.  President Uchtdorf quotes the first page of the personal progress manual which reads "You are a beloved daughter of Heavenly Father, prepared to come to the earth at this particular time for a sacred and glorious purpose."  He goes on to say, "Isn't it remarkable to know that our eternal Heavenly Father knows you, hears you, watches over you, and loves you with an infinite love?"  If there is anything that I have truly learned from this trial so far, it is that Heavenly Father does know each of us, and that he watches over us no matter what is going on in our lives.  I know that even though we have hard times, he does love each and every one of us with a love which is almost beyond comprehension to our mortal selves.
     I have heard it said that there is no way that God loves us.  If he truly loved us why would he give an innocent 3 year old boy cancer.  Why does he allow people to suffer such great pain.  If he really loved us this wouldn't happen.  If I am being perfectly honest there have been moments when I have wondered some of these same things.  In his talk President Uchtdorf goes on to say "...they all had to experience great adversity.  Why must all experience sadness and tragedy? ... The scriptures tell us there must be opposition in all things, for without it we could not discern the sweet from the bitter ... adversity teaches us things we cannot learn otherwise.  Adversity helps to develop a depth of character that comes in no other way.  Our loving Heavenly Father has set us in a world filled with challenges and trials so that we, through opposition, can learn wisdom, become stronger, and experience joy."  Our current adversity has already brought wisdom, strength and even joy.  The fact that we go through trials then, only reinforces my conviction that Heavenly Father loves us.  He wants us to become better, stronger, more faithful members of his church, and he will put things in our path that will help us to reach our true potential.
     One final quote from President Uchtdorf, "His love for you is so great that He has granted you this earthly life as a precious gift of 'once upon a time,' complete with your own true story of adventure, trial, and opportunities for greatness, nobility, courage, and love.  And, most glorious of all, He offers you a gift beyond price and comprehension.  Heavenly Father offers to you the greatest gift of all - eternal life - and the opportunity and infinite blessing of your own 'happily ever after.'"  It is comforting to know, that no matter what happens in this earthly life, we all have been blessed with the gift of eternal life, our own personal happily ever after.
     If you would like to read the rest of the talk go here.

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