Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Family Photos

     I already wrote a blog about how happy I was with the results of our family portrait session, but I have to say that these photos have taken on a whole new meaning to me in light of the recent news we have received.  Interestingly enough I had felt like I should write an email to the lady (Kristine) who took the photos for us, and let her know what we were going through and how much I appreciated them.  I hadn't done it yet because I couldn't think of the right things to say, and a part of me felt like it would be kind of weird to do.  Yesterday I was talking to my mom, and she told me that she had been having dreams about this lady and felt like maybe she needed to let her know what was going on.  I was a bit shocked to say the least, but let her know that it would be fine.  In fact I was glad to have her do it for me.  The following is the email that she wrote.  She expressed my exact thoughts and feelings better than I ever could have.
     My name is Dianne Johnson and I met you recently when you took family photos of my daughter Jessica, her husband, Trevor and their son, Shad.  Perhaps you recall that Jessica told you that Shad had not been feeling well for the few days prior to the photo shoot.  Well, after the shoot he rapidly got worse and on this past Thursday Jessica took him to the emergency room.  There they discovered that he had several tumors, one in his pelvic area and one on his spine.  He had to undergo emergency surgery to remove the tumor on his spine because it was seriously affecting his mobility.  He came through the surgery well, for which we are grateful, but for the time being is bed ridden.  He has a very long road of chemotherapy and radiation ahead of him along with several other problems and more surgeries.  We have a lot of faith and support from family and friends and we are optimistically hopeful, but no one really knows what the future holds for their little family.      
     Jessica has mentioned to me how grateful she is that she had their family pictures taken when she did.  I just wanted to let you know how thankful we all are that you were willing to use your talent to capture the love that this family has for each other so beautifully.  The photos are truly wonderful and mean so much more to us now than they did a week ago.  Never again will this family be as innocent and carefree as you captured them being on the beach such a short time ago.  Thank you for helping us preserve a moment that has quickly fled.  We hope that you will continue to use your gift to bless the lives of other families as you have blessed ours.
Thanks again,
All images below copyright of Sisters Photography.

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